Friday, October 7, 2011

Main Ideas for Term one

What were the primary reasons for colonization?
Describe the English model of colonization:
What aspect of English rule created American Democracy?
Know the chain of events that led us to Revolution. 
What was General Washington’s true genius as a military leader ? 
Why were we not “out of the woods” even after the treaty was signed?
Why weren’t The Articles of Confederation successful?
The basic structure and principles of the Constitution.
Describe the ratification process.
What are the fundamental differences between the Federalist Party and the Democratic Republicans?
Describe the development of Judicial Review and the power of the Supreme Court:
What were the primary causes of the War of 1812?  What were the outcomes of the War of 1812?
Define the Age of Jackson. 
How did South and North develop differently? 
What were Manifest Destiny and the Transportation Revolution? 
What were the roles of the various Social Reform movements on American society?
What were the causes of Sectionalism between North and South?
What were the chain of events that culminated in the firing on Ft. Sumter?
Why were the southern states so opposed to the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860?

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